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Thousands of Palestinian families at Qudseia area in Damascus suburb are suffering of hard living conditions

Published : 01-01-1970

Thousands of Palestinian families at Qudseia area in Damascus suburb are suffering of hard living conditions

In Damascus suburb, about 6 thousand displaced Palestinian families from the Palestinian refugee camps, especially the Yarmouk refugee camp, living in Qudsaya area in Damascus suburb, are suffering of harsh living situations and conditions as a result of high prices and unemployment and also because of the lack of income for most of these families who were forced to rent houses with high prices what caused them economic and financial crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and property in the Palestinian camps.

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In Damascus suburb, about 6 thousand displaced Palestinian families from the Palestinian refugee camps, especially the Yarmouk refugee camp, living in Qudsaya area in Damascus suburb, are suffering of harsh living situations and conditions as a result of high prices and unemployment and also because of the lack of income for most of these families who were forced to rent houses with high prices what caused them economic and financial crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and property in the Palestinian camps.

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