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Displaced Palestinians in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil launch cry for help

Published : 29-12-2016

Displaced Palestinians in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil launch cry for help

Displaced Palestinian families seeking refuge in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil, to the south of Syria, have sounded alarm bells over the abject living conditions they have been made to endure in the area.

The displaced civilians said they received no relief aids or foodstuff, except for a few food baskets and heating kit from the Palestine Charity Commission. 

AGPS faced difficulties documenting the exact number of Palestinian families in Tseil town due to their unending dislodgement from and across the area. A number of displaced families moved to Jordan as they sought a provisional cover from deadly shelling.

Tseil town is located some 355 kilometers away from Deraa province. It is bordered by Sahem from the south and Wadi Al-Allan from the west.

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Displaced Palestinian families seeking refuge in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil, to the south of Syria, have sounded alarm bells over the abject living conditions they have been made to endure in the area.

The displaced civilians said they received no relief aids or foodstuff, except for a few food baskets and heating kit from the Palestine Charity Commission. 

AGPS faced difficulties documenting the exact number of Palestinian families in Tseil town due to their unending dislodgement from and across the area. A number of displaced families moved to Jordan as they sought a provisional cover from deadly shelling.

Tseil town is located some 355 kilometers away from Deraa province. It is bordered by Sahem from the south and Wadi Al-Allan from the west.

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