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A Palestinian Refugee Dies During Warplanes Shelling at KfrBtna Area in Damascus Suburb

Published : 09-02-2015

A Palestinian Refugee Dies During Warplanes Shelling at KfrBtna Area in Damascus Suburb

The Palestinian refugee "Muneir Mohammed Khattab", 23 years, from the Yarmouk camp died during the warplanes shelling that targeted KfrBtna area in Damascus suburb before days, raising the toll of the Palestinians of Syria victims to 2641, including 988 victims died due to shelling, according to the AGPS statistics.

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The Palestinian refugee "Muneir Mohammed Khattab", 23 years, from the Yarmouk camp died during the warplanes shelling that targeted KfrBtna area in Damascus suburb before days, raising the toll of the Palestinians of Syria victims to 2641, including 988 victims died due to shelling, according to the AGPS statistics.

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