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South Korea contributes US$ 500,000 for Palestinian refugee children in Syria

Published : 26-01-2017

South Korea contributes US$ 500,000 for Palestinian refugee children in Syria

The Government of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has contributed US$ 500,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to promote safe spaces and healthy lifestyles for Palestine refugee children in Syria, benefiting approximately 45,000 boys and girls in UNRWA schools.

The contribution will go towards UNRWA efforts in Syria to develop safe, child-friendly and gender-sensitive health centers and schools; facilitate health education for Palestine refugee children; and guarantee healthy lifestyle counseling for Palestine refugee girls. 

This latest contribution comes as part of South Korea’s ongoing ‘Better Life for Girls’ initiative, which aims to provide quality education and strengthen health services for the most vulnerable girls in developing countries. 

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The Government of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has contributed US$ 500,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to promote safe spaces and healthy lifestyles for Palestine refugee children in Syria, benefiting approximately 45,000 boys and girls in UNRWA schools.

The contribution will go towards UNRWA efforts in Syria to develop safe, child-friendly and gender-sensitive health centers and schools; facilitate health education for Palestine refugee children; and guarantee healthy lifestyle counseling for Palestine refugee girls. 

This latest contribution comes as part of South Korea’s ongoing ‘Better Life for Girls’ initiative, which aims to provide quality education and strengthen health services for the most vulnerable girls in developing countries. 

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