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2 Palestinian Refugees Killed in Escalating Hostilities in Southern Syria

Published : 14-02-2017

2 Palestinian Refugees Killed in Escalating Hostilities in Southern Syria

Two Palestinian refugees were killed in the raging hostilities in southern Syria.

Refugee Jumua Mohamed Hussein Al Moussa died after an artillery shell slammed into Deraa. The other casualty—Khaled Ahmad Nassar, a resident of Deraa Camp, was killed on Sunday, February 12, as he took part in anti-government battles in Deraa.

AGPS kept account of the death of 3,441 Palestinian refugees since the outburst of the Syrian conflict, 206 among whom identified as residents of Deraa Camp, in southern Syria.

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Two Palestinian refugees were killed in the raging hostilities in southern Syria.

Refugee Jumua Mohamed Hussein Al Moussa died after an artillery shell slammed into Deraa. The other casualty—Khaled Ahmad Nassar, a resident of Deraa Camp, was killed on Sunday, February 12, as he took part in anti-government battles in Deraa.

AGPS kept account of the death of 3,441 Palestinian refugees since the outburst of the Syrian conflict, 206 among whom identified as residents of Deraa Camp, in southern Syria.

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