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Assassination of a Civic Council Member in the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 12-02-2015

Assassination of a Civic Council Member in the Yarmouk Camp

Mr. Nemer Hussein, a member of the Yarmouk Camp Civic Council, was killed yesterday by a sniper shot while he was leaving his house at the Yarmouk Camp, Al Rija square. It is mentioned that Mr. Nemer assassination is not the first one in the camp, since many activists were assassinated by unknown groups.

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Mr. Nemer Hussein, a member of the Yarmouk Camp Civic Council, was killed yesterday by a sniper shot while he was leaving his house at the Yarmouk Camp, Al Rija square. It is mentioned that Mr. Nemer assassination is not the first one in the camp, since many activists were assassinated by unknown groups.

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