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Displaced Palestinians in Deraa’s Northwestern Town of Tseil Launch Cry for Help

Published : 24-02-2017

Displaced Palestinians in Deraa’s Northwestern Town of Tseil Launch Cry for Help

Displaced Palestinian families seeking refuge in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil, to the south of Syria, have sounded alarm bells over the abject living conditions they have been made to endure as a result of the bloody confrontations between the opposition outfits and the ISIS-allied Khaled Ibn AlWalid battalion.

A massacre recently perpetrated by the latter in the area took away the lives of over 15 civilians.

Palestinian families displaced from Damascus camps to Tseil spoke out against the unending dislodgment they have been grappling with due to the unabated shelling and deadly clashes between the different warring actors.

Located some 30 kilometers away from northern Deraa city center, Tseil town provides provisional housing to 120 Palestinian families, along with 40 families displaced from rural and urban Damascus and 100 families displaced from Ein Dakar.

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Displaced Palestinian families seeking refuge in Deraa’s northwestern town of Tseil, to the south of Syria, have sounded alarm bells over the abject living conditions they have been made to endure as a result of the bloody confrontations between the opposition outfits and the ISIS-allied Khaled Ibn AlWalid battalion.

A massacre recently perpetrated by the latter in the area took away the lives of over 15 civilians.

Palestinian families displaced from Damascus camps to Tseil spoke out against the unending dislodgment they have been grappling with due to the unabated shelling and deadly clashes between the different warring actors.

Located some 30 kilometers away from northern Deraa city center, Tseil town provides provisional housing to 120 Palestinian families, along with 40 families displaced from rural and urban Damascus and 100 families displaced from Ein Dakar.

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