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Opposition Sources: Palestinian Female Refugees Held in Adra Prison

Published : 07-03-2017

Opposition Sources: Palestinian Female Refugees Held in Adra Prison

Opposition sources quoted ex-detainees as stating that they had met a number of Palestinian female refugees in the regime-run Adra lock-up until March 2, 2017.

The list of female detainees spotted in the penitentiary included: Muhsina Balou, from Duma; She is the wife of Duma’s former judge Sa’id Jabein. Muhsina has been charged with terrorism.

Two other detainees—Etab AlHaj and Nour AlMashouti—have been incarcerated for the third year on account of their political activism.

AGPS documented the imprisonment of 1,170 Palestinians in Syrian government lock-ups.

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Opposition sources quoted ex-detainees as stating that they had met a number of Palestinian female refugees in the regime-run Adra lock-up until March 2, 2017.

The list of female detainees spotted in the penitentiary included: Muhsina Balou, from Duma; She is the wife of Duma’s former judge Sa’id Jabein. Muhsina has been charged with terrorism.

Two other detainees—Etab AlHaj and Nour AlMashouti—have been incarcerated for the third year on account of their political activism.

AGPS documented the imprisonment of 1,170 Palestinians in Syrian government lock-ups.

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