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The Displaced People of the Yarmouk Camp Demand to Return and to Neutralize the Camp.

Published : 15-02-2015

The Displaced People of the Yarmouk Camp Demand to Return and to Neutralize the Camp.

Hundreds of Palestinian families, who were displaced from the Yarmouk camp to Qudseia area in Damascus suburb, demanded again the Palestinian and the Syrian concerned parties to find a solution to their tragedy by ending the Yarmouk siege and entering food and medicine supplies, in addition to return back to their houses and properties. These demands come in light of the continued deterioration of the security situation at Qodsaya area between the Syrian opposition forces and the Regular army between now and then.

It should be noted that about "6000" Palestinian families displaced from their camps in Syria to the town of Qudsaya are suffering from difficult living conditions as a result of high prices and unemployment as well as because of the absence of a material income for most of these families, who were forced to rent houses at high prices which caused economic and material crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and property in the Palestinian camps

In the meantime, the residents of the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus waited for long hours at the aids distribution point in Alrija Square, waiting for the distribution of aid provided by UNRWA, but despite the cold weather and rain they returned without getting the aid that was not allowed to enter the camp for more than 75 days.

 The suspension of food aids has led to the deterioration of living conditions and the return of starvation, amid fears of new casualties due to starvation and lack of medical care in case of continuing the suffocating siege and preventing the entry of food aids and medicine.

In the same context, the Head of the Civil Council, Mr. Fawzi Hamid, appealed the world to save the besieged Yarmouk camp, and described the situation as catastrophic, through the AGPS.

Mr. Hamid said to the Group's correspondent, "The camp lives in a disastrous tragic life, since the crisis began in the Yarmouk refugee camp, we are suffering the same fate, suffocating siege, no food, no medicine, no air but polluted, no electricity, and no water for more than four months". He also added," we launched several calls for the official, international, humanitarian, regional, Arab, local sides and the PLO, but unfortunately no one responded to these calls and appeals, "At the end of his speech, the Civil Council made a distress call, through the AGPS, on behalf of the Yarmouk camp that " Save the Residents of the Camp, there are more than 25,000 besieged people inside suffer death, which killed, until today, more than 165 victims.

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Hundreds of Palestinian families, who were displaced from the Yarmouk camp to Qudseia area in Damascus suburb, demanded again the Palestinian and the Syrian concerned parties to find a solution to their tragedy by ending the Yarmouk siege and entering food and medicine supplies, in addition to return back to their houses and properties. These demands come in light of the continued deterioration of the security situation at Qodsaya area between the Syrian opposition forces and the Regular army between now and then.

It should be noted that about "6000" Palestinian families displaced from their camps in Syria to the town of Qudsaya are suffering from difficult living conditions as a result of high prices and unemployment as well as because of the absence of a material income for most of these families, who were forced to rent houses at high prices which caused economic and material crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and property in the Palestinian camps

In the meantime, the residents of the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus waited for long hours at the aids distribution point in Alrija Square, waiting for the distribution of aid provided by UNRWA, but despite the cold weather and rain they returned without getting the aid that was not allowed to enter the camp for more than 75 days.

 The suspension of food aids has led to the deterioration of living conditions and the return of starvation, amid fears of new casualties due to starvation and lack of medical care in case of continuing the suffocating siege and preventing the entry of food aids and medicine.

In the same context, the Head of the Civil Council, Mr. Fawzi Hamid, appealed the world to save the besieged Yarmouk camp, and described the situation as catastrophic, through the AGPS.

Mr. Hamid said to the Group's correspondent, "The camp lives in a disastrous tragic life, since the crisis began in the Yarmouk refugee camp, we are suffering the same fate, suffocating siege, no food, no medicine, no air but polluted, no electricity, and no water for more than four months". He also added," we launched several calls for the official, international, humanitarian, regional, Arab, local sides and the PLO, but unfortunately no one responded to these calls and appeals, "At the end of his speech, the Civil Council made a distress call, through the AGPS, on behalf of the Yarmouk camp that " Save the Residents of the Camp, there are more than 25,000 besieged people inside suffer death, which killed, until today, more than 165 victims.

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