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residents insisted on following-up the educational process in Yarmouk camp.

Published : 15-02-2015

residents insisted on following-up the educational process in Yarmouk camp.

despite the suffering of the Yarmouk of shelling, hunger, and thirst, but its residents insisted on following-up the educational process through the establishment of alternative educational centers and schools; such as "Baraem AL Thilal" kindergarten. This kindergarten was created by a number of activists in the Yarmouk refugee camp where they provided and prepared the place and also provided the teaching staff and educational tools. The activists struggled to overcome all obstacles to receive children whose number has reached to 120 children, with the aim of raising the educational, social, and psychological normalcy for children in order to continue the educational process.

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despite the suffering of the Yarmouk of shelling, hunger, and thirst, but its residents insisted on following-up the educational process through the establishment of alternative educational centers and schools; such as "Baraem AL Thilal" kindergarten. This kindergarten was created by a number of activists in the Yarmouk refugee camp where they provided and prepared the place and also provided the teaching staff and educational tools. The activists struggled to overcome all obstacles to receive children whose number has reached to 120 children, with the aim of raising the educational, social, and psychological normalcy for children in order to continue the educational process.

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