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The PRCS Disinfect the Main Water Tanks in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 16-02-2015

The PRCS Disinfect the Main Water Tanks in the Yarmouk Camp.

The water crises continues since 159 days ,where the Palestine Red Crescent Society in the Yrmouk camp carried out yesterday a disinfection campaign included the a number of the camp’s water tanks inside the camp to decrease the pace of the water pollution. It is mentioned that the relief organizations and the residents get their water from the artesian water well and it has to be disinfected.

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The water crises continues since 159 days ,where the Palestine Red Crescent Society in the Yrmouk camp carried out yesterday a disinfection campaign included the a number of the camp’s water tanks inside the camp to decrease the pace of the water pollution. It is mentioned that the relief organizations and the residents get their water from the artesian water well and it has to be disinfected.

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