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A Failure Assassination Operation to the Relief File Officer at the Yarmouk Camp and High Food Materials Prices in the Camp.

Published : 16-02-2015

A Failure Assassination Operation to the Relief File Officer at the Yarmouk Camp and High Food Materials Prices in the Camp.

The AGPS documentation team declared earlier that the number of the Palestinians of Syria victims till 14/2/2015 reached 2648 Palestinians of Syria victims. On the other hand, the officer of the relief file in the National Commission Mr. Mohammed Taha “Abu Amjad” was exposed to a failure assassination operation by unknown groups in front of his house in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian Refugees in Damascus. It is mentioned that this is the second time to target Mr. Mohammed Taha during the last two days. The assassination of Mr. Mohammed Taha came after the assassination of the Member of the Civil Council Mr. Nemer Husine due to a bullet he attained while getting out of his house at Al Rija Square in The Yarmouk Camp.

It is mentioned that the Palestinian National Commission was established in December 2012 to work for a camp that is free of weapons to neutralize the camp from the consequences of the ongoing war in Syria. Mr. Foad Omar was the head of the commission but he was arrested by the PFGC checkpoint then he was handled to the Syrian Security to die due to torture in the Syrian Security prisons.

It is mentioned that the AGPS insured in a report that was previously published that the second half of 2014 witnessed a growth in the assassination phenomena, which targeted the activists inside the Yarmouk camp. Mr. Baha Saqer , a member of the Yarmouk Residents league, was assassinated in the camp, the Activists Ahmed Al Sahli”Abu Adel and Abdullah Bader” Abu Odi”  were also assassinated . Ali Al Hajja was assassinated in Al Orouba Street then Mohammed Yusidf Areesha “ Abu Al Abed”, the head of the Relief Office in the Camp, was assassinated and after Abu Al Abed Areesha assassination unknown people assassinated Mohammed Teraweyya the representative of Fateh Movement in the Yarmouk Camp.

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The AGPS documentation team declared earlier that the number of the Palestinians of Syria victims till 14/2/2015 reached 2648 Palestinians of Syria victims. On the other hand, the officer of the relief file in the National Commission Mr. Mohammed Taha “Abu Amjad” was exposed to a failure assassination operation by unknown groups in front of his house in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian Refugees in Damascus. It is mentioned that this is the second time to target Mr. Mohammed Taha during the last two days. The assassination of Mr. Mohammed Taha came after the assassination of the Member of the Civil Council Mr. Nemer Husine due to a bullet he attained while getting out of his house at Al Rija Square in The Yarmouk Camp.

It is mentioned that the Palestinian National Commission was established in December 2012 to work for a camp that is free of weapons to neutralize the camp from the consequences of the ongoing war in Syria. Mr. Foad Omar was the head of the commission but he was arrested by the PFGC checkpoint then he was handled to the Syrian Security to die due to torture in the Syrian Security prisons.

It is mentioned that the AGPS insured in a report that was previously published that the second half of 2014 witnessed a growth in the assassination phenomena, which targeted the activists inside the Yarmouk camp. Mr. Baha Saqer , a member of the Yarmouk Residents league, was assassinated in the camp, the Activists Ahmed Al Sahli”Abu Adel and Abdullah Bader” Abu Odi”  were also assassinated . Ali Al Hajja was assassinated in Al Orouba Street then Mohammed Yusidf Areesha “ Abu Al Abed”, the head of the Relief Office in the Camp, was assassinated and after Abu Al Abed Areesha assassination unknown people assassinated Mohammed Teraweyya the representative of Fateh Movement in the Yarmouk Camp.

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