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Gov’t Forces Deliver Food Aids to Tahrir AlSham in Yarmouk Camp, ISIS Seizes AlKara’in Sector

Published : 25-04-2017

Gov’t Forces Deliver Food Aids to Tahrir AlSham in Yarmouk Camp, ISIS Seizes AlKara’in Sector

ISIS tightened grip on AlKara’in sector following the murder of Ahmed Abd AlRahman Karim, called Abu Rabi’ AlKar’ouna, in Yarmouk in a tunnel blast on April 3, 2017.
AlKara’in fighters have also come down heavily on civilians and threatened to burn down their homes in an attempt to force them out of the area and declare it a closed military zone.
Meanwhile, disagreements flared up between ISIS in AlHajar AlAswad and ISIS fighters in Yarmouk following the takeover of Uruba checkpoint by Yarmouk’s complaint center.

In a related development, The Syrian government forces reportedly allowed the entry of food and medical aids to Tahrir AlSham-led zones west of Yarmouk Camp as part of the newly-reached five-town agreement.

The first articles of the agreement stipulate that in the first phase medical and food aid be allowed to enter the camp and that emergency cases be allowed access out of the camp. In the second phase, the fighters and those who wish to leave for Idlib will be granted a safe passage, according to a report released by Tahrir AlSham in April 15, 2017.

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ISIS tightened grip on AlKara’in sector following the murder of Ahmed Abd AlRahman Karim, called Abu Rabi’ AlKar’ouna, in Yarmouk in a tunnel blast on April 3, 2017.
AlKara’in fighters have also come down heavily on civilians and threatened to burn down their homes in an attempt to force them out of the area and declare it a closed military zone.
Meanwhile, disagreements flared up between ISIS in AlHajar AlAswad and ISIS fighters in Yarmouk following the takeover of Uruba checkpoint by Yarmouk’s complaint center.

In a related development, The Syrian government forces reportedly allowed the entry of food and medical aids to Tahrir AlSham-led zones west of Yarmouk Camp as part of the newly-reached five-town agreement.

The first articles of the agreement stipulate that in the first phase medical and food aid be allowed to enter the camp and that emergency cases be allowed access out of the camp. In the second phase, the fighters and those who wish to leave for Idlib will be granted a safe passage, according to a report released by Tahrir AlSham in April 15, 2017.

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