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Activists Criticized the PLO and the NGOs for not being concerned with the Yarmouk Camp Students

Published : 14-05-2017

Activists Criticized the PLO and the NGOs for not being concerned with the Yarmouk Camp Students

Palestinian activists criticized the PLO and the Organizations and associations in Yarmouk Damascus after leaving the Camps students, who left to pursue their studies, to walk on foot for long distances without securing the needed transportations. According to the activists that the students suffered from bad security and living situations during the last months, where they walked on foot from Yelda checkpoint to Sedi Meqdad Checkpoint under high temperatures carrying their bags and without securing transportations. The activists questioned about the cause of PLO carelessness to do their duty to the besieged camp’s residents, where PLO claims that it follows up their problems and suffering.  

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Palestinian activists criticized the PLO and the Organizations and associations in Yarmouk Damascus after leaving the Camps students, who left to pursue their studies, to walk on foot for long distances without securing the needed transportations. According to the activists that the students suffered from bad security and living situations during the last months, where they walked on foot from Yelda checkpoint to Sedi Meqdad Checkpoint under high temperatures carrying their bags and without securing transportations. The activists questioned about the cause of PLO carelessness to do their duty to the besieged camp’s residents, where PLO claims that it follows up their problems and suffering.  

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