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Artillery Shelling Targets Daraa Camp.

Published : 18-02-2015

Artillery Shelling Targets Daraa Camp.

Artillery shelling targeted different places of Daraa Camp with no injuries. The residents of the camp are complaining of the increasing suffering after their camp was involved in the ongoing war and its impacts, as 201 residents were killed, according to the official statistics of the AGPS, as 70% of the camp's buildings were demolished due to the Syrian warplanes shelling. The rest of the residents complain of the water cut for 308 days respectively, forcing them to drink from the artesian wells despite it is polluted, the thing that led to the spread of many gastrointestinal and skin diseases.

The residents of the camp also suffer from a severe shortage of medicines and emergency crews, since there is no medical center or even an ambulance to transport the injured or sick cases.

This coincides with the carelessness of UNRWA about it and not providing food and medical aid, as well as the carelessness of the Syrian opposition groups, for being in control of the region, and discrimination practiced by these groups between the camp and other areas in terms of services, providing drinking water, food and medicine, which caused the deteriorated situation in the camp, sniping, shelling and negligence.  A large part of the people had to leave their homes searching for more secure and stable areas either inside Syria or migration to the outside.

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Artillery shelling targeted different places of Daraa Camp with no injuries. The residents of the camp are complaining of the increasing suffering after their camp was involved in the ongoing war and its impacts, as 201 residents were killed, according to the official statistics of the AGPS, as 70% of the camp's buildings were demolished due to the Syrian warplanes shelling. The rest of the residents complain of the water cut for 308 days respectively, forcing them to drink from the artesian wells despite it is polluted, the thing that led to the spread of many gastrointestinal and skin diseases.

The residents of the camp also suffer from a severe shortage of medicines and emergency crews, since there is no medical center or even an ambulance to transport the injured or sick cases.

This coincides with the carelessness of UNRWA about it and not providing food and medical aid, as well as the carelessness of the Syrian opposition groups, for being in control of the region, and discrimination practiced by these groups between the camp and other areas in terms of services, providing drinking water, food and medicine, which caused the deteriorated situation in the camp, sniping, shelling and negligence.  A large part of the people had to leave their homes searching for more secure and stable areas either inside Syria or migration to the outside.

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