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Victims until today


AGPS documents 22 victims from Al Aedein camp in Hama who were killed since the beginning of events in Syria.

Published : 18-12-2014

AGPS documents 22 victims from Al Aedein camp in Hama who were killed since the beginning of events in Syria.

AGPS confirmed that the number of victims from Al Aedein camp in Hama who died since the beginning of the events in Syria amounted to "22" victims, including 6 were killed by a sniper shot, while 6 were killed by gunshot, and 3 as a result of a car bomb, 2 due to torture, and 2 were kidnapped and then killed, while a refugee was executed.

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AGPS confirmed that the number of victims from Al Aedein camp in Hama who died since the beginning of the events in Syria amounted to "22" victims, including 6 were killed by a sniper shot, while 6 were killed by gunshot, and 3 as a result of a car bomb, 2 due to torture, and 2 were kidnapped and then killed, while a refugee was executed.

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