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Palestinian Sheltered in Yarmouk Camp Killed in Raging Warfare

Published : 07-06-2017

Palestinian Sheltered in Yarmouk Camp Killed in Raging Warfare

Palestinian refugee Muneer Askoul succumbed to the deadly wounds inflicted by an onslaught, believed to be Russian, on Tafas town, in Daraa’s western suburbs.

The casualty was forcibly deported from Yarmouk Camp to Tafas town.

On Monday, offensives launched on Tafas claimed the lives of five persons and left dozens of others wounded.

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Palestinian refugee Muneer Askoul succumbed to the deadly wounds inflicted by an onslaught, believed to be Russian, on Tafas town, in Daraa’s western suburbs.

The casualty was forcibly deported from Yarmouk Camp to Tafas town.

On Monday, offensives launched on Tafas claimed the lives of five persons and left dozens of others wounded.

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