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A Former Fighter in Syria Died Due to the Lack of Medical Care in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 22-02-2015

A Former Fighter in Syria Died Due to the Lack of Medical Care in the Yarmouk Camp.

The refugee "Mohammed Ahmed Abdul Ghani" from the Yarmouk camp in Damascus died due to the lack of medical care as a result of the continuing strict siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp. It is mentioned that "Abdul Ghani" was suffering of diabetes and heart diseases, as he is an old Palestinian and a well-known militant in Syria.

The AGPS documentation and monitoring team announced that the number of siege victims has increased to reach 167 victims.

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The refugee "Mohammed Ahmed Abdul Ghani" from the Yarmouk camp in Damascus died due to the lack of medical care as a result of the continuing strict siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp. It is mentioned that "Abdul Ghani" was suffering of diabetes and heart diseases, as he is an old Palestinian and a well-known militant in Syria.

The AGPS documentation and monitoring team announced that the number of siege victims has increased to reach 167 victims.

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