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Deteriorated Health Conditions in Yarmouk due to the Continuous Siege Imposed by the Syrian Regime and the GC Groups

Published : 23-02-2015

Deteriorated Health Conditions in Yarmouk due to the Continuous Siege Imposed by the Syrian Regime and the  GC Groups

The health condition in the Yarmouk camp is rapidly deteriorated, as hundreds of its residents have infected with many diseases, Jaundice and Anemia are the most prominent due to the malnutrition.Meanwhile, most hospitals and clinics of the camp are stopped working because of the loss of the medical supplies and specialized cadres except for Palestine hospital that provides only simple medical services.

The checkpoints of the Regular Army and the PFGC groups are still imposing its strict siege at about 20,000 civilians for 596 days, which killed 167 refugees who died due to the malnutrition and the lack of medical care.It is mentioned that the water cuts in the camp continues for 166 days, as power cuts for 676 days.

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The health condition in the Yarmouk camp is rapidly deteriorated, as hundreds of its residents have infected with many diseases, Jaundice and Anemia are the most prominent due to the malnutrition.Meanwhile, most hospitals and clinics of the camp are stopped working because of the loss of the medical supplies and specialized cadres except for Palestine hospital that provides only simple medical services.

The checkpoints of the Regular Army and the PFGC groups are still imposing its strict siege at about 20,000 civilians for 596 days, which killed 167 refugees who died due to the malnutrition and the lack of medical care.It is mentioned that the water cuts in the camp continues for 166 days, as power cuts for 676 days.

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