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The AGPS: the Assassination of the Director of Basma Organiza-tion in Yarmouk Raises the Toll of the Activists' victims to 8

Published : 24-02-2015

The AGPS: the Assassination of the Director of Basma Organiza-tion in Yarmouk Raises the Toll of the Activists

"Firas Hussein Al Naji", the director of Basma Organization in the Yarmouk camp was assassinated yesterday by unknown groups, as he was found killed in his house with a bullet in the head.The documentation and monitoring team of the AGPS reported that the assassination of Al Naji raised the toll of the activists' victims who were assassinated inside the camp to 8 activists. It is also noted that this assassination came 8 days after the failure attempt to assassinate the officer of the relief file of the National Authority, Mohammed Taha known as "Abu Al Majd Taha" in front of his house by unknown masked group.As well as after 12 days of the assassination of "Nemer Hussein," a member of the Civil Council of the Yarmouk camp who was killed by sniper shot while leaving his house at Al Rija square in the Yarmouk camp.

The AGPS confirmed, on a previous report entitled as "Palestinians of Syria… the Wound is Still Bleeding," that the activists' assassination phenomenon increased in the second half of 2014, as Bahaa Saqer, a member of the Yarmouk People League", was assassinated in addition to the two activists Ahmed Al Sahli "Abu Adel" and Abdullah Badir "Abu Odai".

Furthermore, Ali Al Haji was assassinated at Al Orouba Street, followed by the assassination of the activist Mohammed Yousif Arisha "Abu Al Abed Arisha," the administrative office director in the camp.Three days after the assassination of Arisha, unknown groups assassinated the representative of Fatah movement in the Yarmouk camp "Mohammed Tyraweya".

Within the security chaos and the lack of security and legal body that supposed to prosecute the offenders in the besieged Yarmouk camp, the assassination processes were recorded against X.

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"Firas Hussein Al Naji", the director of Basma Organization in the Yarmouk camp was assassinated yesterday by unknown groups, as he was found killed in his house with a bullet in the head.The documentation and monitoring team of the AGPS reported that the assassination of Al Naji raised the toll of the activists' victims who were assassinated inside the camp to 8 activists. It is also noted that this assassination came 8 days after the failure attempt to assassinate the officer of the relief file of the National Authority, Mohammed Taha known as "Abu Al Majd Taha" in front of his house by unknown masked group.As well as after 12 days of the assassination of "Nemer Hussein," a member of the Civil Council of the Yarmouk camp who was killed by sniper shot while leaving his house at Al Rija square in the Yarmouk camp.

The AGPS confirmed, on a previous report entitled as "Palestinians of Syria… the Wound is Still Bleeding," that the activists' assassination phenomenon increased in the second half of 2014, as Bahaa Saqer, a member of the Yarmouk People League", was assassinated in addition to the two activists Ahmed Al Sahli "Abu Adel" and Abdullah Badir "Abu Odai".

Furthermore, Ali Al Haji was assassinated at Al Orouba Street, followed by the assassination of the activist Mohammed Yousif Arisha "Abu Al Abed Arisha," the administrative office director in the camp.Three days after the assassination of Arisha, unknown groups assassinated the representative of Fatah movement in the Yarmouk camp "Mohammed Tyraweya".

Within the security chaos and the lack of security and legal body that supposed to prosecute the offenders in the besieged Yarmouk camp, the assassination processes were recorded against X.

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