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Palestinian Woman’s Dream to Return to Yarmouk Over

Published : 18-08-2017

Palestinian Woman’s Dream to Return to Yarmouk Over

Palestinian instructor and health adviser from Syria Majeda Hussein Ma’jel succumbed to a severe asthma disease that affected her heart and kidneys.

Prior to her death, Majeda had long dreamt of returning to Yarmouk Camp which she left with her family following a deadly onslaught by the Syrian government forces on December 16, 2012. Majeda and her family fled to the Turkish city of Ottomania.

Majeda’s husband, Adnan Mohamed Abdullah, has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and cerebral palsy.

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Palestinian instructor and health adviser from Syria Majeda Hussein Ma’jel succumbed to a severe asthma disease that affected her heart and kidneys.

Prior to her death, Majeda had long dreamt of returning to Yarmouk Camp which she left with her family following a deadly onslaught by the Syrian government forces on December 16, 2012. Majeda and her family fled to the Turkish city of Ottomania.

Majeda’s husband, Adnan Mohamed Abdullah, has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and cerebral palsy.

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