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Palestinian Refugee Wael Khalil Kidnapped by Syrian Gov’t Troops

Published : 22-08-2017

Palestinian Refugee Wael Khalil Kidnapped by Syrian Gov’t Troops

Palestinian refugee from Syria Wael Jasem Khalil was kidnapped by the Syrian government forces at a checkpoint pitched near Khan AlSheih Camp.

The arrestee was dragged to Sa’sa’ security branch just two days after he returned to his home in the camp.

At least 1,626 Palestinian refugees have been held in Syrian government prisons, among them 237 refugees sheltered in Khan AlSheih Camp.

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Palestinian refugee from Syria Wael Jasem Khalil was kidnapped by the Syrian government forces at a checkpoint pitched near Khan AlSheih Camp.

The arrestee was dragged to Sa’sa’ security branch just two days after he returned to his home in the camp.

At least 1,626 Palestinian refugees have been held in Syrian government prisons, among them 237 refugees sheltered in Khan AlSheih Camp.

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