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Jaundice Disease Spread Among the Yarmouk Camp Besieged Residents.

Published : 25-02-2015

Jaundice Disease Spread Among the Yarmouk Camp Besieged Residents.

Medical resources in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus confirmed to the AGPS correspondent that jaundice disease has spread recently among children, women, and elderly people. The jaundice spread due to the malnutrition, the lack of medical care and general hygiene resulted in the strict siege imposed on the camp by the Syrian Regular Army and the PFGC groups for 599 days.

In addition to the prevention of entering urgent food and medical aid for more than two months, while the water is till cut for 169 days respectively, and power cut for 679 days.

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Medical resources in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus confirmed to the AGPS correspondent that jaundice disease has spread recently among children, women, and elderly people. The jaundice spread due to the malnutrition, the lack of medical care and general hygiene resulted in the strict siege imposed on the camp by the Syrian Regular Army and the PFGC groups for 599 days.

In addition to the prevention of entering urgent food and medical aid for more than two months, while the water is till cut for 169 days respectively, and power cut for 679 days.

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