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Victims until today


Security pressure and arrest campaigns in "Khan Eshieh" camp in Damascus Suburb

Published : 01-09-2017

Security pressure and arrest campaigns in "Khan Eshieh" camp in Damascus Suburb

The group’s correspondent in rural Damascus reported that the Syrian forces raided Khan Eshieh camp and arrested many, under imposed tightened security on the camp and its residents.

238 members of the Khan Eshieh camp are still under the regime’s custody, according to the group’s statistics. It is still unknown where 1632 detainees, including these members, are.

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The group’s correspondent in rural Damascus reported that the Syrian forces raided Khan Eshieh camp and arrested many, under imposed tightened security on the camp and its residents.

238 members of the Khan Eshieh camp are still under the regime’s custody, according to the group’s statistics. It is still unknown where 1632 detainees, including these members, are.

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