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Palestinian-Syrian fights despair and violence by spreading the culture of a “hero’s role"

Published : 16-10-2017

Palestinian-Syrian fights despair and violence by spreading the culture of a “hero’s role"

Palestinian refugee “Ali Sanded” who fled from Yarmouk camp to Lebanon in 2013 because of the ongoing war in Syria, lived a lot of misfortunes and difficulties due to the distance and his miserable economic and living conditions. “Sanded” searched for a job to cover his family’s financial needs and provide them with a life of dignity, however his trials failed. This led him to challenge these difficulties and tragedies through volunteering with a number of civil associations in southern Lebanon, which are concerned with the affairs of the Syrian refugees, to help him overcome his ordeal and to provide assistance to the Syrian refugees and the Palestinian-Syrians in Lebanon.

“Sanded” said that: "After succeeding in my work, I began to give hope to the refugees through my experience, by fighting the state of despair and violence through spreading the culture of a "hero’s role" and getting out of the victim’s role. Regardless of the place, country and nationality, they must conquer their dreams.”

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Palestinian refugee “Ali Sanded” who fled from Yarmouk camp to Lebanon in 2013 because of the ongoing war in Syria, lived a lot of misfortunes and difficulties due to the distance and his miserable economic and living conditions. “Sanded” searched for a job to cover his family’s financial needs and provide them with a life of dignity, however his trials failed. This led him to challenge these difficulties and tragedies through volunteering with a number of civil associations in southern Lebanon, which are concerned with the affairs of the Syrian refugees, to help him overcome his ordeal and to provide assistance to the Syrian refugees and the Palestinian-Syrians in Lebanon.

“Sanded” said that: "After succeeding in my work, I began to give hope to the refugees through my experience, by fighting the state of despair and violence through spreading the culture of a "hero’s role" and getting out of the victim’s role. Regardless of the place, country and nationality, they must conquer their dreams.”

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