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Calls to UNRWA to increase the amount of food aid to be distributed in southern Damascus

Published : 27-10-2017

Calls to UNRWA to increase the amount of food aid to be distributed in southern Damascus

The Relief Office for Yarmouk Camp’s residents released a statement yesterday, calling on UNRWA to increase the amount of food aid to be distributed to the displaced Palestinian families in south Damascus, adding that UNRWA has not provided any food aid for a year and a half. About 1000-1500 food baskets are expected to be distributed by UNRWA and according to the Relief Office, this amount will not cover a quarter of the families registered with them. The actual of number of families is much greater and estimated to be 5000. 

In the conclusion of its statement, the Relief Office called on UNRWA’s administration to consider the difficult humanitarian condition that these Palestinian families are living as a result of the siege, the widespread of unemployment among them and the absence of a stable financial resource that will stop them from needing and waiting for food assistance.

Dozens of Palestinian families have fled from Yarmouk camp to the towns in south Damascus of Yelda, Babilla and Beit Sahm, since ISIS took control of the camp in April 2015.

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The Relief Office for Yarmouk Camp’s residents released a statement yesterday, calling on UNRWA to increase the amount of food aid to be distributed to the displaced Palestinian families in south Damascus, adding that UNRWA has not provided any food aid for a year and a half. About 1000-1500 food baskets are expected to be distributed by UNRWA and according to the Relief Office, this amount will not cover a quarter of the families registered with them. The actual of number of families is much greater and estimated to be 5000. 

In the conclusion of its statement, the Relief Office called on UNRWA’s administration to consider the difficult humanitarian condition that these Palestinian families are living as a result of the siege, the widespread of unemployment among them and the absence of a stable financial resource that will stop them from needing and waiting for food assistance.

Dozens of Palestinian families have fled from Yarmouk camp to the towns in south Damascus of Yelda, Babilla and Beit Sahm, since ISIS took control of the camp in April 2015.

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