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Violent clashes on the outskirts of Yarmouk between ISIS and the opposition factions in Yelda

Published : 02-11-2017

Violent clashes on the outskirts of Yarmouk between ISIS and the opposition factions in Yelda

Clashes described as violent broke out on the axis of Al-Orouba crossing on the outskirts of Yarmouk camp, between ISIS and the armed Syrian opposition factions in the town of Yelda. A group of members of Al-Ababeel army climbed into one of the buildings encircled by ISIS in Daboul Street and clashed with members of ISIS, resulting in a number of deaths on both sides.

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Clashes described as violent broke out on the axis of Al-Orouba crossing on the outskirts of Yarmouk camp, between ISIS and the armed Syrian opposition factions in the town of Yelda. A group of members of Al-Ababeel army climbed into one of the buildings encircled by ISIS in Daboul Street and clashed with members of ISIS, resulting in a number of deaths on both sides.

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