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A Workshop about the Palestinians of Syria Situation in Netherland titled” the Challenges and Chances”.

Published : 03-03-2015

A Workshop about the Palestinians of Syria Situation in Netherland titled” the Challenges and Chances”.

Within the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria and within the activities and workshops that were held in the European Union countries, Al Quds Cultural Center in Rotterdam in support of the Palestinians of Europe Conference, Palestine Return Center and the Palestine House in Netherland hosted a workshop to discuss the situation of the Palestinian refugees coming from Syria to Europe. The workshop included several Palestinian personalities from Netherland, Britain, Germany, Sweden and France.

The participants of the workshop discussed two topics the first is the situation of the new incoming Palestinians of Syria refugees to European Union countries and the challenges and difficulties that they faced in their road and finding solutions to let them adapt with the new situation. The second topic, they discussed the Palestinians of Syria situations and their suffering inside the Palestinian camps in Syria specially the unfair siege that is imposed on the Yarmouk camp. The workshop was concluded with a statement that contains decision, results and recommendations which will be announced in hours.

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Within the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria and within the activities and workshops that were held in the European Union countries, Al Quds Cultural Center in Rotterdam in support of the Palestinians of Europe Conference, Palestine Return Center and the Palestine House in Netherland hosted a workshop to discuss the situation of the Palestinian refugees coming from Syria to Europe. The workshop included several Palestinian personalities from Netherland, Britain, Germany, Sweden and France.

The participants of the workshop discussed two topics the first is the situation of the new incoming Palestinians of Syria refugees to European Union countries and the challenges and difficulties that they faced in their road and finding solutions to let them adapt with the new situation. The second topic, they discussed the Palestinians of Syria situations and their suffering inside the Palestinian camps in Syria specially the unfair siege that is imposed on the Yarmouk camp. The workshop was concluded with a statement that contains decision, results and recommendations which will be announced in hours.

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