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Palestinian-Syrian elected President of Palestinian Doctors Gathering in Sweden

Published : 14-11-2017

Palestinian-Syrian elected President of Palestinian Doctors Gathering in Sweden

The Palestinian Doctors Gathering in Sweden elected the Palestinian-Syrian doctor “Moaamar Mawed” from Yarmouk camp, as their President. This came during the yearly conference held by the Gathering in Sweden, on Saturday 11-11-2017, including doctors from all over the Swedish Kingdom.

During the conference, the financial and managerial reports provided by the administrative board, were discussed and approved. The participants also mentioned the vision and goals of the Gathering, which was established in 2008, with the aim of uiting the experiences of the Palestinian doctors living in Europe and using their experiences to help the Palestinian people inside and abroad, on the medical level. 

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The Palestinian Doctors Gathering in Sweden elected the Palestinian-Syrian doctor “Moaamar Mawed” from Yarmouk camp, as their President. This came during the yearly conference held by the Gathering in Sweden, on Saturday 11-11-2017, including doctors from all over the Swedish Kingdom.

During the conference, the financial and managerial reports provided by the administrative board, were discussed and approved. The participants also mentioned the vision and goals of the Gathering, which was established in 2008, with the aim of uiting the experiences of the Palestinian doctors living in Europe and using their experiences to help the Palestinian people inside and abroad, on the medical level. 

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