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Despite their health hazards… artesian wells are the only choice for residents of Yarmouk and Deraa camps

Published : 01-12-2017

Despite their health hazards… artesian wells are the only choice for residents of Yarmouk and Deraa camps

Residents of Yarmouk and Deraa camps are suffering from the lack of water in their houses, leading them to use water from artesian wells to guarantee drinking water and water for their houses. The artesian wells water has become the only available choice for the residents of both camps, regardless of its validity to use.

Experts have told the AGPS that most of the wells that the residents are depending on, can cause kidney diseases, especially if used frequently on the long run. The water contains a high percentage of sediment, and does not undergo any kind of health treatment.

The Syrian regime cut the drinking water supply off Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees 1174 days ago, and 1334 days ago from Deraa camp.

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Residents of Yarmouk and Deraa camps are suffering from the lack of water in their houses, leading them to use water from artesian wells to guarantee drinking water and water for their houses. The artesian wells water has become the only available choice for the residents of both camps, regardless of its validity to use.

Experts have told the AGPS that most of the wells that the residents are depending on, can cause kidney diseases, especially if used frequently on the long run. The water contains a high percentage of sediment, and does not undergo any kind of health treatment.

The Syrian regime cut the drinking water supply off Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees 1174 days ago, and 1334 days ago from Deraa camp.

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