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Humanitarian Crises Exacerbate inside the Yarmouk Camp amid the Continuation of the Strict Siege.

Published : 05-03-2015

Humanitarian Crises Exacerbate inside the Yarmouk Camp amid the Continuation of the Strict Siege.

The Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus witnessed yesterday exploding an explosive bomb near Palestine mosque in the middle of the camp which caused material damages in the place, where there is no news about casualties. 

The suffering of the Yarmouk residents continues increasing due to the siege that is imposed on the camp by the Regular Army and the PFGC since more than 600 days, where most of food and medical materials completely ran out since several days which led to the increasing of humanitarian crises amongst residents. 172 Palestinian refugees died due to malnutrition and lack of medical care till yesterday in addition to the spread of Jaundice and anemia diseases that are resulted from the malnutrition amongst the children and old people.

It is mentioned that All the Yarmouk camp’s hospitals and clinics completely stopped working except for the Palestine hospital which works with its minimum capacity, the power cut continues for about 686 days respectively and the water cut continues for 176 respectively.

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The Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus witnessed yesterday exploding an explosive bomb near Palestine mosque in the middle of the camp which caused material damages in the place, where there is no news about casualties. 

The suffering of the Yarmouk residents continues increasing due to the siege that is imposed on the camp by the Regular Army and the PFGC since more than 600 days, where most of food and medical materials completely ran out since several days which led to the increasing of humanitarian crises amongst residents. 172 Palestinian refugees died due to malnutrition and lack of medical care till yesterday in addition to the spread of Jaundice and anemia diseases that are resulted from the malnutrition amongst the children and old people.

It is mentioned that All the Yarmouk camp’s hospitals and clinics completely stopped working except for the Palestine hospital which works with its minimum capacity, the power cut continues for about 686 days respectively and the water cut continues for 176 respectively.

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