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A sit-in and lighten candles in Beddawi camp in solidarity with Yarmouk and in support of Jerusalem’s victory

Published : 21-12-2017

A sit-in and lighten candles in Beddawi camp in solidarity with Yarmouk and in support of Jerusalem’s victory

In Lebanon, the residents of Beddawi camp in the city of Tripoli, and dozens of Palestinian-Syrian families living in the camp, organized a sit-in on Tuesday, in front of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s office, to mark the fifth anniversary of Yarmouk camp’s tragedy, the victory of Jerusalem, and in rejection of Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli occupation and the transfer of the American Embassy to the occupied Jerusalem.

The sit-in called for by the Union of the Right to Return Committee and the Committee of the displaced from Syria, included lit candles for the people of Yarmouk camp, those stationed in the city of Jerusalem and its people.

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In Lebanon, the residents of Beddawi camp in the city of Tripoli, and dozens of Palestinian-Syrian families living in the camp, organized a sit-in on Tuesday, in front of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s office, to mark the fifth anniversary of Yarmouk camp’s tragedy, the victory of Jerusalem, and in rejection of Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli occupation and the transfer of the American Embassy to the occupied Jerusalem.

The sit-in called for by the Union of the Right to Return Committee and the Committee of the displaced from Syria, included lit candles for the people of Yarmouk camp, those stationed in the city of Jerusalem and its people.

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