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The Ongoing War in Syria Exacerbates the suffering of Al Sayeda Zainab camp Residents

Published : 07-03-2015

The Ongoing War in Syria Exacerbates the suffering of Al Sayeda Zainab camp Residents

The residents of Al Sayeda Zainab camp suffer of compound economic and living conditions where unemployment and high cost of living are most significant suffering in addition to securing the bread and the lack of fuel and heating materials which forced the residents to use old heating means. It is mentioned that the camp receives hundreds of displaced Palestinian families from the Yarmouk camp, Al Husaeyneyya camp and other surrounding areas which led to the high cost of rent houses.

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The residents of Al Sayeda Zainab camp suffer of compound economic and living conditions where unemployment and high cost of living are most significant suffering in addition to securing the bread and the lack of fuel and heating materials which forced the residents to use old heating means. It is mentioned that the camp receives hundreds of displaced Palestinian families from the Yarmouk camp, Al Husaeyneyya camp and other surrounding areas which led to the high cost of rent houses.

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