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A member of Fath Al-Intefada dies in Syria

Published : 12-01-2018

A member of Fath Al-Intefada dies in Syria

Palestinian “Ashraf Ismaeil Aly,” member of the Fath Al-Intefada Movement, has died while fighting alongside the Syrian regime forces.

Therefore, the Action Group’s documented data reveals that the number of military victims who have died during 2017, is 141 soldiers, indicating the increase in the engagement of Palestinian soldiers in the fighting, which Syria is still witnessing. 

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Palestinian “Ashraf Ismaeil Aly,” member of the Fath Al-Intefada Movement, has died while fighting alongside the Syrian regime forces.

Therefore, the Action Group’s documented data reveals that the number of military victims who have died during 2017, is 141 soldiers, indicating the increase in the engagement of Palestinian soldiers in the fighting, which Syria is still witnessing. 

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