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The Secretary General of the Palestinians of Europe Conference: the European Institutions Working for Palestine Pay its Deep Attentions to the Suffering of the Palestinian Refugees in Syria.

Published : 08-03-2015

The Secretary General of the Palestinians of Europe Conference: the European Institutions Working for Palestine Pay its Deep Attentions to the Suffering of the Palestinian Refugees in Syria.

The Secretary General of the Palestinians of Europe Conference, Mr. Adel Abdullah confirmed that all Palestinian organizations in Europe pay its deep attentions towards the suffering of the Palestinian refugees in Syria. All its efforts were used to help the refugees and to show solidarity with them, as well as to define their suffering in the international forums.

Mr. Adel mentioned, in a statement that the AGPS received a copy of it, that a wide space of the Palestinians of Europe conference were determined to shed light on the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria, either the besieged in the Yarmouk camp or the refugees who suffer from the consequences of the ongoing war in Syria and in the countries that they escaped to.

It is referred that the conference and the participating European organizations ended the activities of the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria before days. The week contained a number of seminars, workshops, solidarity sit-ins that were performed in Berlin and Dortmund in Germany, London the capital of Britain, Vienna in Austria, Malmo in Sweden and Lahaye and Rotterdam in Netherland, in addition to a number of letters and reports that explain the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria to the European Union Countries, the British Government, the UNHCR, and the European Parliament. The European Institutions working for Palestine in the European continent started their preparations for holding the Palestinians of Europe 13thconference which will be held in Berlin the capital of Germany in 25th of April under the title “the Palestinians of Europe and the Palestinian National Project.”

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The Secretary General of the Palestinians of Europe Conference, Mr. Adel Abdullah confirmed that all Palestinian organizations in Europe pay its deep attentions towards the suffering of the Palestinian refugees in Syria. All its efforts were used to help the refugees and to show solidarity with them, as well as to define their suffering in the international forums.

Mr. Adel mentioned, in a statement that the AGPS received a copy of it, that a wide space of the Palestinians of Europe conference were determined to shed light on the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria, either the besieged in the Yarmouk camp or the refugees who suffer from the consequences of the ongoing war in Syria and in the countries that they escaped to.

It is referred that the conference and the participating European organizations ended the activities of the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria before days. The week contained a number of seminars, workshops, solidarity sit-ins that were performed in Berlin and Dortmund in Germany, London the capital of Britain, Vienna in Austria, Malmo in Sweden and Lahaye and Rotterdam in Netherland, in addition to a number of letters and reports that explain the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria to the European Union Countries, the British Government, the UNHCR, and the European Parliament. The European Institutions working for Palestine in the European continent started their preparations for holding the Palestinians of Europe 13thconference which will be held in Berlin the capital of Germany in 25th of April under the title “the Palestinians of Europe and the Palestinian National Project.”

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