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Food Aid Distribution Continues for the third Day Respectively in the Besieged Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 08-03-2015

Food Aid Distribution Continues for the third Day Respectively in the Besieged Yarmouk Camp.

The AGPS correspondent reported the continuation of food aids distribution to the camp’s residents for the third day respectively without and obstacles or problems in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian Refugees in Damascus.

Meanwhile, UNRWA started to distribute about 300 food parcels since last Thursday; it also resumed the second day to distribute about 400 food parcels, 1500 bread packs, 1800 Jam cans, and 1000 kg of dates and it is supposed to continue distribution for more days.

The Regular Army and the PFGC continue imposing siege on the camp for 609 days respectively, cutting water power, and preventing the residents to return back.

The AGPS correspondent reported that about 5 members of the Armed Opposition Groups surrendered to the camp’s checkpoint to settle their position, it is referred that it is not the first time the members of the Opposition surrender to the Regular Army and the Security forces.

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The AGPS correspondent reported the continuation of food aids distribution to the camp’s residents for the third day respectively without and obstacles or problems in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian Refugees in Damascus.

Meanwhile, UNRWA started to distribute about 300 food parcels since last Thursday; it also resumed the second day to distribute about 400 food parcels, 1500 bread packs, 1800 Jam cans, and 1000 kg of dates and it is supposed to continue distribution for more days.

The Regular Army and the PFGC continue imposing siege on the camp for 609 days respectively, cutting water power, and preventing the residents to return back.

The AGPS correspondent reported that about 5 members of the Armed Opposition Groups surrendered to the camp’s checkpoint to settle their position, it is referred that it is not the first time the members of the Opposition surrender to the Regular Army and the Security forces.

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