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UNRWA: The latest reductions of the Palestinian refugees’ humanitarian aid will destroy their lives

Published : 19-01-2018

UNRWA: The latest reductions of the Palestinian refugees’ humanitarian aid will destroy their lives

UNRWA has stated that the latest reductions of the Palestinian refugees’ humanitarian aid will destroy the lives of approximately 5 million refugees, and they kept their hope alive, according to the Agency.

The Agency stressed that the United States’’ great financial reductions will have a major impact on the daily lives of millions of Palestinian refugees.

The Agency expressed its fear that 525 thousand students in 700 of UNRWA’s schools are facing danger towards their education and futures. Also in the danger zones are the dignity and safety of the millions of Palestinian refugees who are need of urgent food assistance and the other types of aid in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA added that it is keen to continue providing dynamic support to the Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, as well as Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, noting that the school doors will remain open to ensure that they can receive their education.

On the 16th of January, the United States of America announced that it will freeze almost have of the initial assistance that it intends to give to UNRWA.

The American government revealed that it will provide UNRWA with 60 million dollars, however it will suspend another 65 million dollars in the meantime, saying that UNRWA must run some unclarified maintenance procedures.

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UNRWA has stated that the latest reductions of the Palestinian refugees’ humanitarian aid will destroy the lives of approximately 5 million refugees, and they kept their hope alive, according to the Agency.

The Agency stressed that the United States’’ great financial reductions will have a major impact on the daily lives of millions of Palestinian refugees.

The Agency expressed its fear that 525 thousand students in 700 of UNRWA’s schools are facing danger towards their education and futures. Also in the danger zones are the dignity and safety of the millions of Palestinian refugees who are need of urgent food assistance and the other types of aid in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA added that it is keen to continue providing dynamic support to the Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, as well as Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, noting that the school doors will remain open to ensure that they can receive their education.

On the 16th of January, the United States of America announced that it will freeze almost have of the initial assistance that it intends to give to UNRWA.

The American government revealed that it will provide UNRWA with 60 million dollars, however it will suspend another 65 million dollars in the meantime, saying that UNRWA must run some unclarified maintenance procedures.

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