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Victims until today


The Evening of International Women's Day, the AGPS: 340 Palestinian Refugee Women Died in Syria and 24 Detained Refugee Women in the Regime Prison.

Published : 09-03-2015

The Evening of International Women

The documentation and monitoring team of the AGPS, coincided with the International Women's Day, announced that the group documented information about (340) Palestinian refugee women who died due to the  war in Syria, while the number of Palestinian detainees women in the Syrian regime's prisons has reached (24) women.

This comes in light of the deteriorating situation of Palestinian women in Syria regarding humanity and living aspects, due to the siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp by the regular army and the Popular Front groups. In addition the regular army checkpoints prevent the Palestinian refugees of returning to their homed at Husseneia and Sbeina camps. Moreover, all residents of Handarat camp in Aleppo have displaced from their homes after the Opposition factions controlled the camp, as well as the difficult living and security conditions which the rest of the Palestinian camps in Syria are suffering of.

It is noteworthy that the total number of the Palestinian victims in Syria, who have been documented by the AGPS, has reached (2681) Palestinian victims.

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The documentation and monitoring team of the AGPS, coincided with the International Women's Day, announced that the group documented information about (340) Palestinian refugee women who died due to the  war in Syria, while the number of Palestinian detainees women in the Syrian regime's prisons has reached (24) women.

This comes in light of the deteriorating situation of Palestinian women in Syria regarding humanity and living aspects, due to the siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp by the regular army and the Popular Front groups. In addition the regular army checkpoints prevent the Palestinian refugees of returning to their homed at Husseneia and Sbeina camps. Moreover, all residents of Handarat camp in Aleppo have displaced from their homes after the Opposition factions controlled the camp, as well as the difficult living and security conditions which the rest of the Palestinian camps in Syria are suffering of.

It is noteworthy that the total number of the Palestinian victims in Syria, who have been documented by the AGPS, has reached (2681) Palestinian victims.

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