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Syrian regime releases Palestinian boy “Mohammed Hany Rabei”

Published : 01-02-2018

Syrian regime releases Palestinian boy “Mohammed Hany Rabei”

The Syrian regime forces released the 16-year-old, Palestinian boy “Mohammed Hany Rabei Al-Sottary,” resident of the Muzayrib town in south Syria, on 31-01-2018. He was arrested while passing through the Khirbet Ghazaleh checkpoint on Sunday 19-11-2017 and taken to an unknown place.

On its part, AGPS has documented the detention of 13 Palestinian refugees in the Syrian regime’s prisons, from the Muzayrib gathering in Deraa. The regime continues to hide their fate to his date, in addition to more than 1650 other Palestinian refugees.

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The Syrian regime forces released the 16-year-old, Palestinian boy “Mohammed Hany Rabei Al-Sottary,” resident of the Muzayrib town in south Syria, on 31-01-2018. He was arrested while passing through the Khirbet Ghazaleh checkpoint on Sunday 19-11-2017 and taken to an unknown place.

On its part, AGPS has documented the detention of 13 Palestinian refugees in the Syrian regime’s prisons, from the Muzayrib gathering in Deraa. The regime continues to hide their fate to his date, in addition to more than 1650 other Palestinian refugees.

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