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European Organizations End the Activities of the European Week for Solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria.

Published : 10-03-2015

European Organizations End the Activities of the European Week for Solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria.

A number of European institutions and bodies working for Palestine in the European continent finished the activities of the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria, which was launched by an invitation of Palestinians in Europe thirteenth Conference, to be held in Berlin.

The Solidarity week included a number of activities and events of solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria in all of Germany, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, and Austria.

The Solidarity week activities launched from the German city of Dortmund, where each of the Palestinian assembly and the Association of Palestinian women in Germany implemented a seminar entitled "Palestinians of Syria the New Nakba" which was attended by many institutions, activists, and bodies concerned about the Palestinian refugee issues.

For its part, Friends of Humanity International issued a report in Austria entitled "We are still alive - the suffering of the Yarmouk camp residents between siege, the risk of death out of killing or starvation," which has been circulated to dozens of human rights organizations.

This was followed by connecting with a number of international bodies, including the British government, the EU, and the (UNHCR) in the United Nations by both of Al Awda center AGPS in London, where they briefed on the latest developments and statistics related to the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria.

Moreover, each of Palestine Youth League and Coordinating Council to support Palestine in Austria, in the capital Vienna, organized a sit-in in solidarity with Palestinian refugees in Syria, where activists demanded to end the Yarmouk siege in Damascus, as well as to neutralize the Palestinian refugees from the ongoing war in Syria.

Palestinian Center for Justice in Sweden implemented a workshop to discuss the conditions of the Palestinian refugees in Syria and Sweden, where a number of heads and officials of the civil societies in Sweden and Denmark participated in the workshop.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian assembly in Germany, Berlin held a special seminar entitled "Palestinians of Syria, Renewed catastrophe" to highlight the file of the humanitarian crisis experienced by the Palestinians of Syria, in the presence of representatives of the Palestinian and the Arab institutions in the capital Berlin, and a large number of people from the Palestinian and Arab community.

The Palestinian institutions finished the activities of the solidarity week through a workshop hosted by the Jerusalem Cultural Center in the Dutch city of Rotterdam sponsored and supported by the Palestinians of Europe Conference, the Palestinian Return Centre, and the Palestinian house in Netherlands. The workshop discussed the situation of Palestinian refugees under the title "the Palestinians of Syria conditions in Europe (Challenges and Opportunities).

It is noteworthy that the workshop coincided with a solidarity vigil in front of the Dutch Parliament to show solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria and to deliver a note to the Dutch Parliament urging to assume its role to contribute to end the suffering of the Palestinian refugees in Syria.

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A number of European institutions and bodies working for Palestine in the European continent finished the activities of the European week for solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria, which was launched by an invitation of Palestinians in Europe thirteenth Conference, to be held in Berlin.

The Solidarity week included a number of activities and events of solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria in all of Germany, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, and Austria.

The Solidarity week activities launched from the German city of Dortmund, where each of the Palestinian assembly and the Association of Palestinian women in Germany implemented a seminar entitled "Palestinians of Syria the New Nakba" which was attended by many institutions, activists, and bodies concerned about the Palestinian refugee issues.

For its part, Friends of Humanity International issued a report in Austria entitled "We are still alive - the suffering of the Yarmouk camp residents between siege, the risk of death out of killing or starvation," which has been circulated to dozens of human rights organizations.

This was followed by connecting with a number of international bodies, including the British government, the EU, and the (UNHCR) in the United Nations by both of Al Awda center AGPS in London, where they briefed on the latest developments and statistics related to the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria.

Moreover, each of Palestine Youth League and Coordinating Council to support Palestine in Austria, in the capital Vienna, organized a sit-in in solidarity with Palestinian refugees in Syria, where activists demanded to end the Yarmouk siege in Damascus, as well as to neutralize the Palestinian refugees from the ongoing war in Syria.

Palestinian Center for Justice in Sweden implemented a workshop to discuss the conditions of the Palestinian refugees in Syria and Sweden, where a number of heads and officials of the civil societies in Sweden and Denmark participated in the workshop.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian assembly in Germany, Berlin held a special seminar entitled "Palestinians of Syria, Renewed catastrophe" to highlight the file of the humanitarian crisis experienced by the Palestinians of Syria, in the presence of representatives of the Palestinian and the Arab institutions in the capital Berlin, and a large number of people from the Palestinian and Arab community.

The Palestinian institutions finished the activities of the solidarity week through a workshop hosted by the Jerusalem Cultural Center in the Dutch city of Rotterdam sponsored and supported by the Palestinians of Europe Conference, the Palestinian Return Centre, and the Palestinian house in Netherlands. The workshop discussed the situation of Palestinian refugees under the title "the Palestinians of Syria conditions in Europe (Challenges and Opportunities).

It is noteworthy that the workshop coincided with a solidarity vigil in front of the Dutch Parliament to show solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria and to deliver a note to the Dutch Parliament urging to assume its role to contribute to end the suffering of the Palestinian refugees in Syria.

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