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Regime forces bombard the Mansheyya neighborhood in south Syria, using tank shells

Published : 27-02-2018

Regime forces bombard the Mansheyya neighborhood in south Syria, using tank shells

The Syrian regime forces bombarded the Mansheyya neighborhood in Deraa the city, in south Syria, with tank shells, creating a state of fear between civilians and destruction to their houses. The neighborhood also witnesses the break out of intermittent fighting between the Syrian regime forces and the opposition fighters, where there are a number of Palestinian families displaced from Deraa camp in the neighborhood, the city and the adjacent Sad Road neighborhood, who are experiencing tough living and security conditions.

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The Syrian regime forces bombarded the Mansheyya neighborhood in Deraa the city, in south Syria, with tank shells, creating a state of fear between civilians and destruction to their houses. The neighborhood also witnesses the break out of intermittent fighting between the Syrian regime forces and the opposition fighters, where there are a number of Palestinian families displaced from Deraa camp in the neighborhood, the city and the adjacent Sad Road neighborhood, who are experiencing tough living and security conditions.

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