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Palestinians in south Damascus organise a sit-in to demand their return to Palestine

Published : 26-03-2018

Palestinians in south Damascus organise a sit-in to demand their return to Palestine

Palestinian activists and popular events organized a sit-in on Sunday 25-03-2018, in front of Al-Quds school in south Damascus, titled "Bikafi Khaya," to demand their return to Palestine.

The protesters expressed their discontent about what they described as a conspiracy and deception by the humanitarian organizations and Palestinian factions, regarding the support of the Palestinian people in Yarmouk camp and beyond it, and the other refugee camps.

Hundreds of Palestinian families in south Damascus and Yarmouk camp are suffering from cruel living conditions, as a result of their displacement from the camps and the lack of financial resources, in addition to the widespread of unemployment among them, the violations practiced by ISIS against the residents of Yarmouk camp and the closure of the only port linking between the camp and the neighboring town of Yelda.

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Palestinian activists and popular events organized a sit-in on Sunday 25-03-2018, in front of Al-Quds school in south Damascus, titled "Bikafi Khaya," to demand their return to Palestine.

The protesters expressed their discontent about what they described as a conspiracy and deception by the humanitarian organizations and Palestinian factions, regarding the support of the Palestinian people in Yarmouk camp and beyond it, and the other refugee camps.

Hundreds of Palestinian families in south Damascus and Yarmouk camp are suffering from cruel living conditions, as a result of their displacement from the camps and the lack of financial resources, in addition to the widespread of unemployment among them, the violations practiced by ISIS against the residents of Yarmouk camp and the closure of the only port linking between the camp and the neighboring town of Yelda.

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