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9 Palestinian Refugees Die During 72 Hours due to Torture in the Syrian Prisons

Published : 15-03-2015

9 Palestinian Refugees Die During 72 Hours due to Torture in the Syrian Prisons

Three Palestinian refugees died; they are:  "Suleiman al-Abdullah" who died due to torture in the Syrian regime's prisons after being detained for more than two years; he lives at Al Tadamon neighborhood, "Noor Said '' also died due to  torture after being detained for more than three years, and "Islam Abu Ammar Rashid" died due to torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime after being detained for more than two years. The death of the three refugees brings the toll of torture victims to 9 victims within 72 hours, where a member of Fatah movement in the Yarmouk camp, "Mohammed al-Khatib," known as Abu Ibrahim died after being detained for about year, "Tariq MAwed,""Abdul Latif Saed," "Muhammad Khalid Abu Eid," "Ibrahim Mohammed Amer," after being detained for more than two years, and "Mahmoud Mohamed Mawed" all of them are from the Yarmouk refugee camp.

The victims were identified through the photos that were leaked by a dissident officer from the Syrian regime, and he was one of those responsible for photograph the victims of torture in the security branches of the Syrian regime. Thus, the total toll of torture victims, who are documented by the AGPS, increased to 306 victims.

It is noteworthy that the number can be increased, especially with the Syrian regime's continued detention of more than 1,000 Palestinian refugees, which the AGPS documented the names of 787 Palestinian refugees does not know anything about their fate.

In turn, the AGPS renewed its appeal to the Syrian regime to disclose the status of hundreds of Palestinian detainees who are unaccounted for, stressing that what is happening inside the Syrian prisons for Palestinians «war crime by all standards. »

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Three Palestinian refugees died; they are:  "Suleiman al-Abdullah" who died due to torture in the Syrian regime's prisons after being detained for more than two years; he lives at Al Tadamon neighborhood, "Noor Said '' also died due to  torture after being detained for more than three years, and "Islam Abu Ammar Rashid" died due to torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime after being detained for more than two years. The death of the three refugees brings the toll of torture victims to 9 victims within 72 hours, where a member of Fatah movement in the Yarmouk camp, "Mohammed al-Khatib," known as Abu Ibrahim died after being detained for about year, "Tariq MAwed,""Abdul Latif Saed," "Muhammad Khalid Abu Eid," "Ibrahim Mohammed Amer," after being detained for more than two years, and "Mahmoud Mohamed Mawed" all of them are from the Yarmouk refugee camp.

The victims were identified through the photos that were leaked by a dissident officer from the Syrian regime, and he was one of those responsible for photograph the victims of torture in the security branches of the Syrian regime. Thus, the total toll of torture victims, who are documented by the AGPS, increased to 306 victims.

It is noteworthy that the number can be increased, especially with the Syrian regime's continued detention of more than 1,000 Palestinian refugees, which the AGPS documented the names of 787 Palestinian refugees does not know anything about their fate.

In turn, the AGPS renewed its appeal to the Syrian regime to disclose the status of hundreds of Palestinian detainees who are unaccounted for, stressing that what is happening inside the Syrian prisons for Palestinians «war crime by all standards. »

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