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Residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are struggling to secure a living

Published : 12-04-2018

Residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are struggling to secure a living

The residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are struggling to secure a living, in the light of the reflection of the Syrian war on all aspects of their lives and economic conditions which were described as miserable, since the cost of life index rose more than eight times over the seven-year period. In addition, the rise in the value of the dollar against the Syrian pound reflected a rise in prices levels by more than 1000%, while the daily living expenses and securing the basic life necessities tops the list of key endeavors of the residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp, as a result of the widespread of unemployment amongst the people and the lack of a stable sources of income.

In general, most Palestinian-Syrian families have been mainly dependent on UNRWA’s assistance over the past years. UNRWA provides periodic financial assistance that families use to pay part of their housing rents and to secure their basic needs, such as food and drinks.

Meanwhile, the residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are complaining of the tight security procedures imposed by the security forces on them. They are prevented from leaving or entering the camp without a security approval, where university staff and students are allowed to leave the camp, only after they register their names in the detachment of the Palestine Liberation Army, one day before their departure.

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The residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are struggling to secure a living, in the light of the reflection of the Syrian war on all aspects of their lives and economic conditions which were described as miserable, since the cost of life index rose more than eight times over the seven-year period. In addition, the rise in the value of the dollar against the Syrian pound reflected a rise in prices levels by more than 1000%, while the daily living expenses and securing the basic life necessities tops the list of key endeavors of the residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp, as a result of the widespread of unemployment amongst the people and the lack of a stable sources of income.

In general, most Palestinian-Syrian families have been mainly dependent on UNRWA’s assistance over the past years. UNRWA provides periodic financial assistance that families use to pay part of their housing rents and to secure their basic needs, such as food and drinks.

Meanwhile, the residents of Khan Al-Sheih camp are complaining of the tight security procedures imposed by the security forces on them. They are prevented from leaving or entering the camp without a security approval, where university staff and students are allowed to leave the camp, only after they register their names in the detachment of the Palestine Liberation Army, one day before their departure.

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