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The Action Group: 23 civilians and 22 Palestinian militants were killed in Syria during April 2018

Published : 09-05-2018

The Action Group: 23 civilians and 22 Palestinian militants were killed in Syria during April 2018

The Action Group revealed that the number of victims who died during April 2018 was 42 refugees, including 23 civilians (51.11%) and 22 militants (48.89%).

The Group noted that most of the 23 civilians died in Yarmouk camp, as a result of the military campaign launched by the Syrian regime on the camp and its surrounding areas. The 22 militants died while fighting alongside the Syrian regime forces, and included two members of the Palestinian Liberation Army, two members of Liwaa Al-Quds, 5 members of the Fath Al-Intefada Movement, a fighter from Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and a member of the Free Palestine Movement.

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The Action Group revealed that the number of victims who died during April 2018 was 42 refugees, including 23 civilians (51.11%) and 22 militants (48.89%).

The Group noted that most of the 23 civilians died in Yarmouk camp, as a result of the military campaign launched by the Syrian regime on the camp and its surrounding areas. The 22 militants died while fighting alongside the Syrian regime forces, and included two members of the Palestinian Liberation Army, two members of Liwaa Al-Quds, 5 members of the Fath Al-Intefada Movement, a fighter from Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and a member of the Free Palestine Movement.

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