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UNRWA: Our health services for Palestinians in Syria are life-saving

Published : 29-05-2018

UNRWA: Our health services for Palestinians in Syria are life-saving

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) confirmed in its annual health report for 2017, that its health services are literally life-saving in the areas such as Syria, where the conflict entered its eighth year, as well as the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, which witnessed in 2017 the 50th anniversary of the Israeli occupation, and in Gaza, which is now under siege for more than a decade.

Dr Akihiro Sita, UNRWA’s Health Director, stated that: “Protecting and promoting the health of registered Palestine refugees is central to our mandate and aims to enable them to achieve the highest possible standards of health until a just and lasting solution to the Palestine refugee issue is reached based on UN resolutions and the law.”

UNRWA's health report, which it issued on the 70th anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine, provides important information on the health of Palestine refugees in the Agency's five areas of operations - Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza and Syria, as well as information on UNRWA's health program.

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The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) confirmed in its annual health report for 2017, that its health services are literally life-saving in the areas such as Syria, where the conflict entered its eighth year, as well as the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, which witnessed in 2017 the 50th anniversary of the Israeli occupation, and in Gaza, which is now under siege for more than a decade.

Dr Akihiro Sita, UNRWA’s Health Director, stated that: “Protecting and promoting the health of registered Palestine refugees is central to our mandate and aims to enable them to achieve the highest possible standards of health until a just and lasting solution to the Palestine refugee issue is reached based on UN resolutions and the law.”

UNRWA's health report, which it issued on the 70th anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine, provides important information on the health of Palestine refugees in the Agency's five areas of operations - Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza and Syria, as well as information on UNRWA's health program.

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