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Water Cut continues for 337 Days in Daraa camp and 190 days in Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 19-03-2015

Water Cut continues for 337 Days in Daraa camp and 190 days in Yarmouk Camp.

It is now 337 days of water cut in Daraa camp for Palestinian refugees South of Syria and in the Yarmouk refugee camp (190) days respectively, where people were forced to use artesian wells to try to secure some water for their children despite those waters are pollutants, but it is the only option left to them. The  people are suffering of great difficulties in extracting those waters because of the continuing power cut from the two camps, in addition to the scarcity of fuel needed to operate electric generators to provide power for the pull engines, prompting some people to use hand pumps to overcome that problem.

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It is now 337 days of water cut in Daraa camp for Palestinian refugees South of Syria and in the Yarmouk refugee camp (190) days respectively, where people were forced to use artesian wells to try to secure some water for their children despite those waters are pollutants, but it is the only option left to them. The  people are suffering of great difficulties in extracting those waters because of the continuing power cut from the two camps, in addition to the scarcity of fuel needed to operate electric generators to provide power for the pull engines, prompting some people to use hand pumps to overcome that problem.

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