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Removal of the rubble from the Martyrs cemetery in Yarmouk camp

Published : 15-06-2018

Removal of the rubble from the Martyrs cemetery in Yarmouk camp

In another context, the Fath Movement, with the participation of the Palestinian Relief Committee, removed part of the rubble and restored some of the graves in the Martyrs' Cemetery in Yarmouk camp on Wednesday, in preparation for the graves visits of the martyrs on the morning of Eid El-Fetr.

The visit to the graves of martyrs in Yarmouk camp on the first day of Eid El-Fetr and Al-Adha, is a traditional custom for its residents, where large numbers of the camp's residents and Palestinian faction leaders, advanced by the Copper Band of Palestinian Scouts, in addition to children Scouts, carrying roses walking in a long procession to that cemetery. On their arrival, they put floral wreaths next to the "Unknown Fedayeen" monument, which symbolizes all Palestinian martyrs whose identity is unknown and plays the Palestinian national anthem, before heading to the martyrs' graves.

The two graves were exposed to damage and destruction as a result of repeated shelling by Syrian forces and the fall of a number of explosive barrels and rocket-propelled grenades on them. While members of ISIS, which controlled large areas of Yarmouk camp, attacked the graves of refugees in the cemetery of the camp, and demolished the tombstones, under the pretext of the implementation of "Sharia."

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In another context, the Fath Movement, with the participation of the Palestinian Relief Committee, removed part of the rubble and restored some of the graves in the Martyrs' Cemetery in Yarmouk camp on Wednesday, in preparation for the graves visits of the martyrs on the morning of Eid El-Fetr.

The visit to the graves of martyrs in Yarmouk camp on the first day of Eid El-Fetr and Al-Adha, is a traditional custom for its residents, where large numbers of the camp's residents and Palestinian faction leaders, advanced by the Copper Band of Palestinian Scouts, in addition to children Scouts, carrying roses walking in a long procession to that cemetery. On their arrival, they put floral wreaths next to the "Unknown Fedayeen" monument, which symbolizes all Palestinian martyrs whose identity is unknown and plays the Palestinian national anthem, before heading to the martyrs' graves.

The two graves were exposed to damage and destruction as a result of repeated shelling by Syrian forces and the fall of a number of explosive barrels and rocket-propelled grenades on them. While members of ISIS, which controlled large areas of Yarmouk camp, attacked the graves of refugees in the cemetery of the camp, and demolished the tombstones, under the pretext of the implementation of "Sharia."

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