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Unemployment… an economic crisis suffered by most of the residents of Yarmouk camp in Syria

Published : 17-06-2018

Unemployment… an economic crisis suffered by most of the residents of Yarmouk camp in Syria

The Palestinian refugees in general and the residents of Yarmouk camp in particular, are suffering of unprecedented economic crises, because of the negative impact of the war on them and their forced displacement from their camps after the security deterioration, the siege and bombardments, and ISIS’s control over a large area of the camp. Most of the residents of Yarmouk camp have lost their properties and houses, in addition to the accumulation of their commitments including house rents, living expenses, the widespread of unemployment among them and the lack of a stable financial source, to help them in securing their everyday needs. This has made them suffer economically.

Most of the families in Yarmouk camp have been primarily dependent on UNRWA’s assistance over the past years, where UNRWA provides its periodical cash assistance to the families, to pay part of their house rents.

Meanwhile, many of the residents of Yarmouk camp consider the cash assistance provided by UNRWA inefficient, especially amid the high costs of living, including house rents and other commitments.

The residents of Yarmouk called on all the concerned parties to rapidly reconstruct the camp, secure the infrastructure and return the water and electricity to their camps, as well as opening the roads to allow their return to their houses, and to get rid of the economic and financial burdens that weigh their shoulders.

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The Palestinian refugees in general and the residents of Yarmouk camp in particular, are suffering of unprecedented economic crises, because of the negative impact of the war on them and their forced displacement from their camps after the security deterioration, the siege and bombardments, and ISIS’s control over a large area of the camp. Most of the residents of Yarmouk camp have lost their properties and houses, in addition to the accumulation of their commitments including house rents, living expenses, the widespread of unemployment among them and the lack of a stable financial source, to help them in securing their everyday needs. This has made them suffer economically.

Most of the families in Yarmouk camp have been primarily dependent on UNRWA’s assistance over the past years, where UNRWA provides its periodical cash assistance to the families, to pay part of their house rents.

Meanwhile, many of the residents of Yarmouk camp consider the cash assistance provided by UNRWA inefficient, especially amid the high costs of living, including house rents and other commitments.

The residents of Yarmouk called on all the concerned parties to rapidly reconstruct the camp, secure the infrastructure and return the water and electricity to their camps, as well as opening the roads to allow their return to their houses, and to get rid of the economic and financial burdens that weigh their shoulders.

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