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9 Palestinian Refugees from AlAyedeen Camp in Homs Tortured to Death in Syrian Lock-Ups

Published : 02-07-2018

9 Palestinian Refugees from AlAyedeen Camp in Homs Tortured to Death in Syrian Lock-Ups

Nine Palestinian refugees sheltered in AlAyedeen Camp in Homs were killed under torture in Syrian government jails.

AGPS reporter identified six casualties as Fadi Taha, aged 26, Musab Sharifa, 27, Muhammad Ali Namer Ayoub, Mohammed Saleh AlGhalawi, Mohammed Ghadban, and Awad Abu Zaqour. The names of the three other victims are kept secret by AGPS at the request of their families.

The causalities had reportedly been incarcerated in Syrian dungeons for over three years.

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Nine Palestinian refugees sheltered in AlAyedeen Camp in Homs were killed under torture in Syrian government jails.

AGPS reporter identified six casualties as Fadi Taha, aged 26, Musab Sharifa, 27, Muhammad Ali Namer Ayoub, Mohammed Saleh AlGhalawi, Mohammed Ghadban, and Awad Abu Zaqour. The names of the three other victims are kept secret by AGPS at the request of their families.

The causalities had reportedly been incarcerated in Syrian dungeons for over three years.

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